Monday, June 11, 2012

Complete Meltdown

I was aware I was having a complete meltdown...but I couldn't stop it. I had to let the meltdown run its course.

Dave tried to help. He said "Calm down". And we all know when you tell a person to calm down in the middle of their meltdown it makes it worse.

I was already a little wound up and stressed out. But when I saw Bella with my glasses in her mouth that was it.

Here is what happened:

It all started because Bella needed her afternoon walk. I needed to change my clothes for the excursion so I went upstairs. Bella is now at the age where she can be left out for short periods of time without supervision…or so we thought. When I came back downstairs, she was prancing around the room with glee which normally means she has something she shouldn’t. I hurdled the gate I saw she had my glasses in her mouth. I tried to catch her but couldn’t. So I had to throw treats at her with the hopes she would abandon the glasses for yummy treats. It worked. I grabbed my glasses and saw teeth marking everywhere.

Enter the complete meltdown zone.

I won’t go into the details of the meltdown. And I know it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal. But adding a visit (which is way overdue by the way) to the eye doctor is just adding to the monster list of things I have on my to-do list.

So after some tears, hugs and kisses from Dave and pizza from Dominos (and a Skinny Girl Cosmo) I calmed down and realized it’s not the end of the world after all.

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