On Sunday, Chassie and I went over to Sawyer and Ashley's condo to celebrate our birthday and to see their place for the first time since we helped them move in. While we were there Sawyer asked if we had taken any video of Bella. He had let us borrow a camcorder (is that 21st century terminology?) when she was about to graduate from Intermediate class. We haven't recorded anything. Sawyer's response was "Your puppy is going to grow up and you won't have any video memories of her." Now that's a very good point Sawyer.
To help remedy that situation, we returned home on Sunday with a helium balloon in tow (remember it was a birthday celebration). We gave her the balloon, wondering what her reaction would be. She liked the string on the balloon more than the balloon itself. We taped the ensuing proceedings, seven minutes of it to be precise. I understand the general public does not want to watch seven minutes of footage for the few highlights that occurred, so as soon as we can get the tape to our editor (Sawyer) and figure out how to post video to the blog, you, faithful reader will be the first to see.
Our second idea, which actually may have been the first, on the way home from Sawyer and Ashley's was to get a baby pool for Bella. We decided that since she is a lab and waterproof, she may enjoy getting in the pool for a while. We don't have a lake or other body of water easily accessible, so this may be our opportunity to introduce her to being submersed in water. That sounded like a brilliant idea.
Monday afternoon, I headed over to the local K-Mart and saw a bunch of these baby pools directly in front of the door. It had a sale sign on them and I thought to myself, well this is turning out quite well for me. I took the baby pool, which is close to six feet in height inside the store and to the first cash register. She scanned the bar code on the side of the pool and I fumbled for my money clip, getting out a twenty and handing it to her while balancing the pool precariously on my shoulder. She handed me my change and I put the change and my money clip back into my pocket, the pool slipped off my shoulder and knocked the credit card machine off the counter. My mouth dropped open, I think I may have apologized, but she smiled and said no problem, "It happens all the time." May want to think about a better system, K-Mart.
K-Mart fiasco aside, I start walking back toward the truck and then a thought occurs to me. Will this fit in the back of the Explorer? I have a vision of having to tie the baby pool to the top of the truck, a gust of wind catches it and there it goes, rolling down the road for someone else's puppy. All for not, however, as the pool folds up just enough to slide inside the back of the Explorer.
We know she's a chewer. Is she much of a swimmer? No, not really. She was curious about what we had put in the backyard. We only filled it about ankle deep so just in case she didn't like it, we didn't have a lot of water to dump out. She would stick her muzzle in and blow bubbles, which she sometimes does in her water bowl. She walked around the outside of the pool, drank the water from the pool and acted like she was going to get in, but never actually got in. To speed up the process, I picked her up and gently placed in her. As her feet hit the water, I watched her paws turn into webs and thought that she was going to like it, but she took two steps inside the pool and was out the other side. So the pool wins round one. To be quite honest, if someone wanted me to get in a big round object with water inside and pictures of water creatures, including a duck wearing goggles, holding a cupcake, I'd be skeptical too.
Again, we may post the video once it goes through the editing process. We'll give the pool another attempt at some point, maybe next weekend.
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