Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Coming Together

We have not mentioned it here a lot but Bella and Draco don't play well together. In fact they are rarely in the same room together.

It is not that they don't like each other. They do. It is just Bella wants to play rough and Draco doesn't. So we keep them separtated.

After some research and discussions with Sarah our trainer, we decided to train Bella to be calm around Draco. And our hiatus from formal training was the perfect time to start.

On Suuday something amazing happened. Dave and I were able to get both Draco and Bella to sit on the big dog bed. And then to "stay" as we walked 6ft away. They sat there together and Bella didn't jump and play bite Draco!

It was so reassuring that we are doing the right thing and it also showed some hope that one day they would be able to hang out in the same room together!

And finally, yesterday morning when I let Draco into the house (from being in the backyard) Bella went to the bed and sat down. Which is our regular routine, but she did this unprompted!

It seems that it is all starting to come together...

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