Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Look….it's Snowing!

Yesterday was not Bella’s first experience with snow. A few weeks ago when Dave and Bella were on their afternoon walk it started to flurry. And she didn’t seem to notice.

But when huge snowflakes started to fall from the sky unexpectedly yesterday I was hoping they would still be falling when I got home. Then towards the end of the day, I noticed the flakes were sticking to the grass and I got really excited. This would definitely be Bella first experience with snow on the ground.

So I got off work at 3pm ran to my car and speedily drove home. Ran inside got the camera and my phone went downstairs and took her outside and was poised and ready…

And nothing. 

There was snow on the mulch and it was still falling but she didn’t seem to notice. She did what she always does, find a leaf and eat it. I was disappointed. I took pics anyway. I pointed to the sky to show her the snowflakes (yeah I know, silly idea). But nothing.

Fast forward a few hours.

The snow was now falling in huge clumps. And there seemed to be about an inch on the mulch and a little sticking to the concrete. I took Bella out to potty and she did her business and…she started to notice the snow. She sniffed around and I expected her to do what Hunter and Draco always did, jump around and roll in it. She sniffs and stops and then she eats it. That is all she did...eat the snow. It seemed anticlimactic but it was too cute.

And of course I didn’t have the camera. But I doubt I would have been able to catch the magic of Bella with her “first” snow.

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